History of Fitness

The fitness we train and practice today is more modern and easily accessible than before. In this century we have access to gyms, weights, and treadmills to stay fit and to get plenty of exercise. A really long time ago, during the Stone Age and BC times, history describes that humans did not have access to weights or machinery, but yet they were extremely toned, muscular and looked really good. How is that they looked better than today’s world, but they had less equipment and access to the things we have now?

The reason history in physical fitness has changed so much is because in older times men and women used natural movement techniques in their exercising. The men had to hunt for their food and the women had gathered and made items, causing physical activity every day. Our ability to do things easier today has lacked in the only accessible ways they could survive. During the Stone Age times people didn’t use easy steady-step ladders to climb up, they had to climb up trees and rocks to get around. They were constantly running, jumping, crawling and performed natural balancing. Civilization during the Greek and Roman times also had to go to war, and when they did it wasn’t with guns and motorized vehicles, it was with spears, knives, and horses. Not only did this have a major effect on the body structure, but so did the change in Olympics. The Olympics were first created by the Ancient Greeks and were based on “natural movements” not the obstacles and techniques people have created today.

In History, exercise activities were performed in all natural movement that kept the body in physical shape. Today's modern world has changed the way we perform physical activities, but has provided easy access and items to help build our bodies. Although both were being used in different techniques, they still both provided our needed exercise in our lives to live a healthier lifestyle.

For more information on the history of fitness click here


Running helps maintain and lose weight, as well as getting the heart rate going.

Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting
Weight Lifting helps lose fat, tone, and build muscle.


Yoga helps Improve flexibility, keeps you feeling relaxed, and protects the humans body parts.


Gymnastics teaches coordination, balance, and flexibility.


Calisthenics is a body resistant training, which helps build strength and teaches balancing.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

CNN News

Article: Why you stress-eat and how to stop it
When you stress out, it's harder for your body to regulate your appetite.
Stress reduction techniques and mindfulness can help.

Reference: Migala, J. July 09th 2015. Why You stress ear and how to stop it. CNN News.

Basic Fitness Questions

1.) Doing any of these fitness methods will help you lose weight, and also would
A. Eating fast food
B. Drinking Juice
C. Keeping a well-balanced diet

2.) You should stay hydrated when exercising?
A. True
B. False

3.) Staying Hydrated while exercising means
A. Drinking Fat Free Milk
B. Drinking Water
C. Drinking Juice with less sugar

4.) You should always stretch before and after doing any of these five methods?
A. True
B. False

5.) Picking the proper shoe attire is not important when running and exercising?
A. True
B. False

Answer: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B
If you passed this test then you are ready to pick an exercise!